WARNING: THIS MEDICATION MAY CAUSE YOU TO THINK FOR YOURSELF As a nurse I amshattering the myth of modern medicine. Medical protocol is determined by what's most profitable, which means "managing" diseases with medication rather than curing them.This way people stay sick, and keep spending money to get well. Since graduating with honors in 1990 from one of the top 10 nursing schools in the US, I have learned the inside truth about Western medicine - a truth that most doctors and nurses are totally unaware of. Like myself they chose their profession with good intentions, believing it was valiant, but this is a powerful deception hiding a villainous truth.
I take pictures every year of This cherry tree, I gave it to Lee as a valentines gift probably our first one together, it lived in a pot for years moving from place to place and spent some time at my mum n dads while we lived in a flat in newmarket, when we eventualy moved to where we are now we planted it in the garden, here are this years pictures.
Feeling fed up. weather is horrible and have no motivation or inspiration, well just a little so i made this colourful peice complete with poem to cheer me up original photo can be found here balloons here ribbon here poem by me
I like taking photos and making images of all kinds, I love animals especially dogs and horses, I will be posting my favorite personal clips, vids & pics in this space, basiclly i am gonna focus on the best bits of life here
cutting the other stuff, so when I look back on it all(especially when i'm having a bad day}I can have something to smile about to remind me that life isn't so bad and there was and still is good times.
I hope that anyone else veiwing these pages will get something from it too. There is also some music that I like here , if you dont like it just pause the ipod below.
Well it is now 2013 and I have not kept up to date with my blog for a long time, a lot has happened during that time including taking in more work a couple of years ago and being diagnosed with M.S last May, but I'm ok and still taking lots of pictures just not finding much time to post and share them, which is why I'm here now in a effort to start posting regularly again my life just seems so hectic right now
But I miss my blog