I am currently creating some Traditional art work for this Years
art on the prom exhibition in Felixtowe. Last year I exhibited only my photography, this year I have decided to pick up my art stuff and do what I love doing the most drawing and painting (although its proving hard to fit it all in to my busy two bit part time working life i am getting there) . these are all mixed media created from acrylics, pastels and coloured pencil, I have decided to concentrate on my backgrounds and composition as much as the actual subject itself as i feel that this really adds a dynamism, colour and life to the paintings as a whole.
Freedom Acrylic background on pastel paper, finished in pastel scanned onto the P.C and digitaly enhanced with movement blur
and added watercolour previosly made and scanned
Wild RabbitOriginal Drawn in coloured pencil on plain pastel paperScanned and digitaly enhanced background using previously
made and scanned watercolour work whick included one made by Ben
KidPastel sketch drawn onto a watercolour background Scanned and digitaly enhanced using more watercolour
The Originals will be framed and on sale, I will also be selling limited edition copies and digitally enhanced variation copies. watch this space for more work coming soon