Take A look at this

Zeitgeist: The Movie - 2007 by Peter Joseph from ZeitgeistMovie.com on Vimeo.
we need to do something now or all this posted below will be a thing of the past no more festivals, playing in the river, camping, fishing or den making, none of that we wont be allowed .our souls, bodies and minds will be taken and owned by power hungry monsters.

We've got to get together and say no
do you want that for yourselves your children or your grandchildren ?

We've got to get together and say no
do you want that for yourselves your children or your grandchildren ?
I don't
there are more of us than there are of them, so stop being brainwashed and look at whats really happening wake up, unite together and make a stand
there are more of us than there are of them, so stop being brainwashed and look at whats really happening wake up, unite together and make a stand

turn off the telly its a brainwasher
take a look at some of the links below for more disturbing facts and information
take a look at some of the links below for more disturbing facts and information
http://www.theflucase.com/ this one is really disturbing and just round the corner please look we can do something about this. It needs to be reported as a crime asap
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQpkzQC-xKo Ive been a fan of David Ike now for sometime he makes more sense to me than a lot of people do and surprise surprise his words are becoming truer by the day hes not keeping it to himself hes out there spreading the word to whoever will listen he aint giving up.
sorry this post does not conform to my blog introduction as it says i will be concentrating on only the good things, this is not good its damn ugly but sure needs to be broadcast people need to know and need to be aware. whether they choose to believe or not its up to them you only have to look around you to see it. so much evidence.
and heres another i liked this one. the lions and wilderbeast footage was funny and the comments underneath interesting.
mainstream media wont tell you what you need to know, it will just fill your head with mindless distractions and propaganda. whilst gradually they take from us our freedom. you have a brain think for yourself find your own information theres plenty out there, make up your own mind i know I have and have done for some time
yes I am mad as hell and im not going to take this anymorewww.infowars.com
http://www.theflucase.com/ this one is really disturbing and just round the corner please look we can do something about this. It needs to be reported as a crime asap
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQpkzQC-xKo Ive been a fan of David Ike now for sometime he makes more sense to me than a lot of people do and surprise surprise his words are becoming truer by the day hes not keeping it to himself hes out there spreading the word to whoever will listen he aint giving up.
sorry this post does not conform to my blog introduction as it says i will be concentrating on only the good things, this is not good its damn ugly but sure needs to be broadcast people need to know and need to be aware. whether they choose to believe or not its up to them you only have to look around you to see it. so much evidence.
and heres another i liked this one. the lions and wilderbeast footage was funny and the comments underneath interesting.
mainstream media wont tell you what you need to know, it will just fill your head with mindless distractions and propaganda. whilst gradually they take from us our freedom. you have a brain think for yourself find your own information theres plenty out there, make up your own mind i know I have and have done for some time