We Have been den Building this week, it started out as a fishing expedition and picnic at Rodbridge and ended in making a den and coming back the next day to complete it. Emily came with us on the first day a shame she couldnt make it Tuesday, cause i forgot my camera. here are some pics of the boys n loose in their shelter.

I asked the boys to pose like this leaning in to the sides to show the strength of our shelter
it should stand up to quiet a bit as the main structure is pretty sturdy, I tested it all by leaning my weight into it. It will probably let some rain in but will provide some shelter from the elements I'm tempted to sleep the night. If id known it was gonna be such a big project we could have built it somewhere more out of sight, I wouldnt be surprised if it gets smashed up soon, I hope that it will be used by other kids rather than destroyed, hopefully its to far to walk for vandals. its sad that this is the mentality of some people. well I will keep posts of its progress should be interesting. The boys have been warned that this could happen.
Neds Guided tour