Take nothing but
leave nothing
but footprints, (tracks in my case)
kill nothing but time.

I had to get closer here at first i thought it was a headstone in the wood, getting closer i realised it was just a tree stump i did think it for a second, then i remembered the dream i had about finding my own gravestone in the woods. felt a little spooked for a moment.

but footprints, (tracks in my case)

Been up the woods on my bike again took a few pics whilst i was there,the pond has almost dried out this year, it has been quiet dry this summer, unless it rains alot soon i wont be taking pics of the autumn leaves floating this time.

I had to get closer here at first i thought it was a headstone in the wood, getting closer i realised it was just a tree stump i did think it for a second, then i remembered the dream i had about finding my own gravestone in the woods. felt a little spooked for a moment.