
I Found Sandy Puc today on the www and here is some of her work. she is coming to london in september to do a seminar on bumps n babies and now i am really tempted to book up !!

Photography changes our experience of loss

Sandy Puc’

Sandy Puc’

Sandy Puc’, portrait photographer and educator in Littleton, Colorado, is a co-founder of The Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep Foundation. That group, a not-for-profit network of more than 7,500 professional photographers, offers photographic services at no cost to families in over twenty-five countries worldwide, who are grieving the loss of newborns. Puc’ is also board member of the Professional Photographers of America.

This story touched me, this is why it is so important to have photographs, they provide people with something special, captured emotions for years to come, It gives me satisfaction to see someones face when they see the photographs i have taken for them, its a great reason to be a photographer and to be able to do that for people.